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Read My Lips

The governor of Nevada’s current budget proposal is a textbook case of why it’s a bad idea to put people who don’t like government in charge of government. Our governor’s “no new taxes” campaign pledge currently translates into “screw public services and everyone who needs them”. He’s playing a game where he’s taxing local governments and state employees and calling it balancing the budget.

When will free market ideologues learn that business needs a well run, well funded government in order to thrive?

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  1. C. L. Hanson said,

    February 4, 2009 @ 8:26 am

    It seems so simple, doesn’t it? That business depends on having a functioning society. Yet it’s not simple at all if you’re immersed in a culture that simplistically shoves all human endeavor into two boxes: private=freedom and public=tyranny.

  2. Jonathan Blake said,

    February 4, 2009 @ 11:28 am

    Everyone in that culture that you mention seems to imagine themselves at the top of the free-market food-chain. They wouldn’t be so hot for the free market if they found themselves in wage slavery. Only a minority of people find themselves at the top, partially because of talent and hard work but mostly because of dumb luck. Economic success in America depends a lot on how successful your parents were.

    When did I become a socialist? ;)

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