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Where is

I recently noticed that—an excellent, respectful resource for information on the Mormon temple rituals—has gone offline. I would hate to see this site disappear into the ether. I’ve sent an email to the webmaster offering any assistance, but does anyone know the webmaster personally? Maybe you could give him a call and remind him to renew his domain name. :)

Thank goodness and foresight for!

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  1. BEEHIVE said,

    December 10, 2007 @ 1:51 pm


    Oh, I hope someone can find him. You know, even though I was born and raised in the LDS church, my mother never mentioned what went on inside the temple because it was “to holy” to talk about it. So when I landed on this site I was MORTIFIED. Even now that I am on the brink of inactivity, I was a bit shocked that someone would post all of these “holy things.” But after the initial shock, I came to understand why the author would post such things and I realize that he is not really violating anything. Anyways, I hope the site goes up again. You don’t think he is in trouble?

  2. Jonathan Blake said,

    December 10, 2007 @ 4:12 pm

    I remember that same mortification. Then I had this Aha! moment when I realized that the things that I had actually promised to keep secret were pretty limited. Then I was OK.

    The thought that he had gotten into ecclesiastical trouble did cross my mind, but I don’t want to jump to (intriguing) conclusions.

  3. beehive said,

    December 10, 2007 @ 8:45 pm

    Well, since we can’t seem to locate him, I have a question.

    This “new name” that you are given, is it the same name for everyone? I remember reading that if anyone forgot what their name was, the temple workers were there to the rescue. Well, how can they remember this name?

  4. Jonathan Blake said,

    December 11, 2007 @ 7:34 am

    I never worked in the temple so this is somewhat speculative. I probably read this on a website somewhere. When you forget your new name, you have to give the temple workers the date of your endowment (or they have to look it up in your membership record). Based on that date, they can retrieve your new name.

    I’m not clear on whether that means that they pick a random name for each day and write it down in some big book (somehow I doubt it), or whether they have a simple formula perhaps based on the day of the month. In any case, it appears that any two people of the same gender who go through the temple on the exact same date in the same temple will receive the same new name.

    When I went through the temple, I thought that my new name had been revealed right there to the temple worker. God had given me that name. It tarnished the meaningfulness of that name to find out that if I had scheduled my endowment for another day I would have had a different name.

  5. Cybr said,

    December 18, 2007 @ 10:42 am

    Looks like it’s back up.

  6. Jonathan Blake said,

    December 18, 2007 @ 2:00 pm

    Just in time for me to report that I heard back from the maintainer:

    Many thanks for contacting me. I hadn’t realized the
    domain had expired. I’ve renewed it and will have the
    site back online ASAP.

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