Listen to a creator of RjDj explain how it is a digital drug. Of all the applications for the iPhone that I’ve come across, this is the one that makes me want to lay down my money.
This recent blog spam approaches the poetic. (Not for those with delicate sensibilities.)
I search for the skirt
or team up for congeniality and lustful experiments.
In sex I take pleasure in much anal,
surely much it is nice common voiced,
games and toys which add to sex some savour…
And, no, I don’t read every spam comment that I get.
Update: I just received a spam email that made it through Gmail’s filter. It bore the subject “Barefoot plod I the cold.”
But too awesome, methought. Surely this is borrowed and not a chance collision of words.
A quick Google search proves my instincts right. This comes from Shakespeare’s All’s Well That Ends Well. If you’re going to steal, might as well be from the very best.