A Sense of Wonder

A Sense of Wonder aims to become a collection all of the best resources available to introduce avid learners to the wonderful world.

Learning to Learn

Human beings were born to learn, yet some of us learn better than others. There are various methods that improve our innate power to learn. How much effort we want to spend retaining information depends on how much we need the information.


Formal Sciences

Natural Sciences


Cellular Biology


Seven Lectures on Physical Law by Richard Feynman

In a seven lecture series targeted at the layman, Richard Feynman opens a window on the nature of physical laws. In his inimitable way, he engages his audience and provokes thought about what we know and how we know it. I'm not uninitiated to the world of physics, and I learned a lot.

  1. Law of Gravitation—An Example of Physical Law
  2. The Relation of Mathematics and Physics
  3. The Great Conservation Principles
  4. Symmetry in Physical Law
  5. The Distinction of Past and Future
  6. Probability and Uncertainty—The Quantum Mechanical View of Nature
  7. Seeking New Laws

(via kottke.org)

Social Sciences

General Resources

Open Culture: free cultural and educational media.

YouTube EDU: YouTube has collected free university lectures on video from across the world.


Google Book

Project Gutenberg


For the Mental Athelete

For some, learning can be an immensely enjoyable pastime. Others of us are not content to be mere hobbyists.

Steps to a Better Brain



Open Culture Free Language Lessons: Free language lesson podcasts.